Dismissal Procedures

Departing School

Students are required to leave campus within ten minutes after dismissal at 2:10 p.m., unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher or coach.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

A bell will ring at 2:10 pm for students to be dismissed. All students not going home on the bus must either be picked up by a parent, enrolled in our after school activities (After School Program, etc.), or enrolled in the City of Sanibel Recreation Program. The students must report to these programs immediately upon dismissal.

Please make sure that your child knows where to go after school before leaving home in the morning. It is disruptive to the education of all students for messages regarding after school plans and activities to be delivered to a student during the school day. The school will not interrupt classes to deliver messages for personal convenience; therefore, the school cannot guarantee that students will receive the message before they leave in the afternoon.

All cars must have the student’s last name visible on the car’s visor in order to enter the Parent Pick up line. Name tags will be provided for all families who plan to pick their children up one or more days this school year. If you do not have a name tag visor, or would like a tag for a second car, please pick one up from the front office before picking up your child. These name tags will also be required during any emergency reunification situations in order for you to gain quicker access to your child in an emergency. Visor signs will be issued to families who utilize the parent Pick-Up Loop. Please attach the sign to your visor with rubber bands. This will assist the staff with the dismissal process.

In order to ensure a safe and orderly pick-up of all students, parents and coaches may not walk down the sidewalk in the Parent Pick up area where teachers and students are gathered after school. Parents may wait for their children either in their cars in the pickup area or in the area with the benches in front of the school. Teachers will reunite children with their parents ONLY if they recognize them and ONLY when they are walking their class to the Parent Pick up area, so please plan to arrive by 2:10 pm if you want to pick up your child in person. If you arrive after the classes are assembled in the Parent Pick up area, you will have to wait to be reunited with your children. If the teacher does not recognize someone as the parent of a particular child, they will be asked to go into the office so that we can check the emergency card to see if they have authorization to pick the child up from school. Please make sure your emergency cards are accurate and up to date with changes as they occur throughout the year A staff member will assist with crossing children, who are accompanied by their parent, at the cross walk in the front of the school.

Students will not be dismissed to parents who are waiting in the parking lot.

Closed Campus

Once a student arrives at school, he/she cannot leave the campus unless a parent or guardian signs him/her out in the front office. A student leaving campus without permission will be considered truant and disciplinary action will be taken.

Leaving School Early

If a student must leave school early, a parent or guardian must sign the student out at the office. A student will only be released to the parent, guardian, or to someone that the parent or guardian has authorized in writing as a designee on the student’s emergency card. If a parent needs to take his/her child from school before dismissal, or has an important message to be delivered to the child, he/she should make the request to the office prior to 12:00 p.m. In order to minimize disruptions to the end of the day routines, administrative approval is required before a student can be signed out between 1:40 p.m. and 2:10 p.m. 

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