Bus Schedules

Note: Arrival times for all stops may vary based on departure times from school campuses. Please always check the interactive bus route app at the bottom of this page for current times as schedules are typically adjusted frequently when bus schedules are revised, especially when the school year starts. 

The WheresTheBus app lets households know precisely when their child's bus will arrive at their bus stop. It displays in real-time the number of minutes and miles the bus is from the household's bus stop.  Any member of the household can access this information from any internet connected device. Instructions are located here.  For further assistance, call the District Hotline at 239-334-0211.  Please have your student's ID number available.

Note: School campus departures are approximately 10 minutes after official school bell times. 

Here is the link to access the District's Interactive Bus Route Finder

Instructions on how to use the Interactive Bus Route Finder in English
Instructions on how to use the Interactive Bus Route Finder in Spanish
Instructions on how to use the Interactive Bus Route Finder in Creole

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