Dress Code/Uniform


The purpose of the student dress code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of inappropriate clothing or grooming. Students are required to maintain a clean, neat appearance at all times.

Personal appearances shall not detract from the educational process. Parents are asked to assist the school by monitoring their child’s school attire daily.

The following establishes the minimum acceptable standards for student dress to be interpreted and enforced by the teacher and/or the administration:

  1. Apparel must be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school.
    • The length of shorts, skirts, or dresses shall not be less than the fingertips.
    • Clothing may not have any slits, tears or holes baring skin. Clothing may not be sheer or see-through without appropriate garments underneath.
    • No fishnet or similar stockings, tights, or gloves with cuts/ holes in them.
    • Clothing designed to be used as sleepwear or loungewear is not permitted.
    • Any jewelry that could be a safety hazard is prohibited; for example, chains, spikes, jewelry worn on clothing, anything administration feels would be a safety concern or distraction


  2. Pants and shorts shall be worn fastened and at the waist with no undergarments showing. Belts are encouraged and will be required to be worn if there is a problem.
    • Leggings, sweatpants, yoga pants or other types of pants which display any writing across the back area of the pants are not permitted.
    • Leggings, yoga pants or similar types of pants must be covered by an appropriate top that is at least fingertip length.


  3. Footwear must be worn at all times. Flip-flops, sliders, slippers, Crocs, and shoes without solid soles are not permitted. Students must wear closed-toed shoes during science labs in order to participate. Students participating in PE may only wear sneakers.


  4. Apparel emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote the use of violence, gangs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco or any illegal activity is prohibited.
    • Clothing with slogans or advertising that by its controversial or obscene nature may disrupt the educational setting is prohibited.


  5. Shirts or blouses must be appropriately fastened in accordance with the design of the garment.
    • The length of the top must extend beyond waist level when arms are raised.
    • Transparent, lacey, or see-through tops, without an appropriate top underneath, strapless, low-cut clothing, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or are of a suggestive nature are prohibited: halters, backless dresses, or tops, tube tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, or any clothing which may be distracting are prohibited.
  6. Any articles of clothing or jewelry that could cause injury, such as chains or chokers with spikes or studs are prohibited.
    • Adornments that are attached/pierced to exposed body parts, other than ears, are prohibited.


  7. The wearing of hats, caps, headgear, or sunglasses, except during physical education classes held outside or at authorized athletic practices or other outdoor activities, is prohibited. There may be certain exceptions for medical conditions or for special occasions or rewards. The principal or designee will determine these exceptions.


  8. Hair that is painted, dyed, or streaked in an unnatural color will not be permitted without prior approval by an administrator. Vision must not be obstructed by hair at any time and hair may need to be tied back for certain classroom activities.


  9. Students may not use personal headphones or earbuds on campus unless directed to do so by a teacher. Bluetooth headphones and earbuds are not allowed.
  • All tops must be at least four fingers wide at the shoulder.
  • Sweaters, jackets, or shirts cannot be used to cover up dress code violations.


Clothes are to be worn in the way they were intended to be worn. Any infractions of clothing or hairstyles which are viewed as a distraction will be addressed.



1st Offense: Dress code offense must be corrected before the student returns to class and a warning letter will be sent home for parent's signature.

Continued Offenses: Dress code offense must be corrected and a detention will be assigned for each recurring offense.



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